Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Movie Review: Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief, directed by Chris Columbus

The Greek gods are big. And they look good. And they have awesome deep British accents.

Yes, Percy Jackson is about the Greek gods existing for real in modern times. Actually, it's more about their children with mortals, who are called demi-gods. Percy Jackson is a demi-god, the son of Poseidon and a mortal woman. He's never met his father, and apparently has few if any questions about who his father was or why he's never been around. According to my children, there is a lot more information in the books, so perhaps this is covered there.

Percy Jackson the movie looks good, has a good amount of action, and is marginally worth seeing. The acting is fine, and there are some big-name actor cameos strewn about here and there. The direction and story are mostly good. The story is very episodic and somewhat uneven. The mini-episodes (Medusa, the Hydra, and the Poppy Eaters) could be easily replaced with any other mythological tale. They feel a lot like filler. At the same time events seem rushed, like there was far too much to cram into the allotted movie time. I found myself wondering how Chris Columbus could take a long book like Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and make a movie that felt right, but with this much shorter book make it feel oddly paced and disconnected.

So if the child of a mortal and a god is a demi-god, what is the child of two demi-gods? A semi-god? A demi-demi-god? Demi More-or-less?


  1. Really Dad? "They have awesome british accents"? Wow that sounds like something Chris would say.

  2. Hey Dad. Children of two gods are still gods. Just not famous ones.
